Welcome to Troop 1441B 

Where livelong memories are made

Who are We? - Troop 1441 is a BSA boy troop for 11 - 17-year-olds.  We have a (Cub Pack #499B for 6 - 10-year-olds and our sister BSA troop #19G is across the street at Colesville Presbyterian Church, and they are great too).  We are part of the White Oak District under the National Capital Area Council.  If you are interested in any of our scouting programs, or scouting in general, please contact us. 

Where are We? - We meet and are sponsored by Saint John the Baptist Catholic Church (12319 New Hampshire Ave, Silver Spring MD 20904).  We are located in the Lyon Center on Mondays at 7pm, just around the back of the church.  Are meetings are open, if you want to come by and see what the program is all about. 

What are We? - What is Scouts? Scouts is an organization for 11 - 17-year-olds, that help guide youth with core life skills like cooking, cleaning, first aid, communication, thriftiness, management, and so much more. The 2 that I enjoy watching are Problem Solving and Preparedness.  These skills are outlined in our Scout Book and performed in meetings, events, and campouts. 

Why Scouts? – Scouting is a great organization that gets kids outside, away from electronics, and to hang around others, their own age, and experience the world around them.  Most important being a Scout means something.  Scouts have been around for over 100 years.  The organization is always changing with the changing times, but the core is still the same.  When something happens and a scout is present, people look to that scout for guidance/leadership.  People hear the words "Scouts Honor” because it means something.  When people hear you are an Eagle Scout, they understand what that means.  Organization Hire, Colleges Enroll, and People Trust because when they hear the name, they know what it means.  Everybody I know that have been in scouts for any duration of time, remember it, and the great times they had.  And that means everything. 

Contact Information - Please contact us with any questions. 

1441 Webmaster -  Webmaster@troop1441.com

Scoutmaster: James (Jake) Hontz - JakeBS298@gmail.com 

Committee Chairman: Benjamin L. Allen 301-236-9203, benallen8@comcast.net 

Check here for White Oak District and NCAC Calendars.