Newsletter 2016-11-03
Post date: Nov 14, 2016 1:34:50 AM
Troop 1441 participated in the White Oak District Webelos Weekend, an event designed to introduce Cub Scouts to the world of Boy Scouting, and serve as a recruiting opportunity as the Webelos I and Arrow of Light Scouts, (old Webelos ll's) moved through and participated in a variety of challenges.
The District's Boy Scout Troops each put on a display and participation event including fire building, knot tying, cooking, first aid, etc.
Troop 1441 managed the Webelos l fire building event and ran the fire building contest. Our scouts did an excellent job both working with the Webelos and running the event. Saturday evening the Troop hosted a Spaghetti Dinner for PACK 499 of St John's Webelos and parents, It was a great party.
The troop again met their goal of Cleanup, pack and leave by 10 AM. We will have to update the challenge by changing the goal to 9:30 AM.
Troop Service Project SJB ECO Ministry, Saturday 11/5, 9:15 AM till Noon
The Troop will be assisting the ECO-Ministry in the Cleaning of New Hampshire Ave from Venice Drive to the White Oak Library. Class "A" event. Bring gloves, meet in front of the Church
Troop Campout - Boonsboro, Nov 12-13.
We will be camping at the pavilion at on Antietam Creek. Meals by Patrol. Advancement theme. Fishing. Permission Slip Attached.
Troop Service Project GCCA Mini park Cleanup Nov 12th 9 AM until Noon.
The troop will be assisting the Greater Colesville Civic Association in the winterizing of their corner parks on New Hampshire Ave. Meet behind the Giant gas station, Bring gloves. This is an opportunity for Scouts not going on the Campout.
The troop has the opportunity to add another Crew (making three) going at the same time (Aug 3rd) If you are interested (we need 7 more as of now for 8 total) please email me ASAP.
Troop leadership Council Meetings
The meetings are now being scheduled with enough advance notice to allow for you to plan to be there. It is up to the Leader Scouts to insure they make it to the meetings. Next Meeting is November 29th Tuesday, 7 PM SJB.