Newsletter 2015-08-26
Post date: Sep 08, 2015 2:36:10 AM
It's about to begin, our 46th year as a Boy Scout Troop serving the Colesville area. We began in Cannon Road ES sponsored by the PTA, transferred to Colesville Presbyterian Church in 1987, and then transferred to St John the Baptist in 2012.
Throughout the years we have been blessed with great scouts, leaders, parents and sponsors that have made the Troop a success.
To continue this success we need to continually recruit both boys and adults to help carry on our traditions and replace those who have moved on through graduation.
This past year we had a very successful crop of Eagles, one of the best as a group. Patrick Regan Fanelli, Aaron Bloom, Jack Stutz, Felix Vargish and Anthony Massiah have all made Eagle Scout, turned 18 and flown the coop. Guys, Thanks for being such great scouts, take you scouting with you and may you have continued success in all of your endeavors. P.S. Don't be Strangers.
What's Happening?
August has been busy
WE assisted the C4 and Colesville Presbyterian Church with the annual School Backpacking event for the 14th time. This year's total took us over 10,000 Backpacks.
The troop also assisted the Knights of Columbus in a breakfast meal packing event called "Cup of Joe" where 350 meals were packed. This was basically a trial and the Knights are looking to repeat the activity. We will assist if we can.
Drew's Eagle Project is in the construction phase, as you can see in front of the Church where his team is building a new walkway to the fountain. He will still need volunteers.
Johan is in the final planning stages of his Eagle project.
Preliminary meetings were held with members of the Knights of Columbus to include their participation in a special Flag Retirement Ceremony at the troop meeting of 9/24
More to come.
September and October are going to be very busy months. Lots of Exciting events planned, Service Projects and chances for advancement.
Our first "Get back together meeting", will be this Thursday at 7 PM in the Lyon Center
This will be and organizational meeting were we will discuss each of your roles in the upcoming year, firm up our organization and set some personal and unit goals.
September 3 No troop meeting (Back to School Night)
September 8th Troop Leadership Council meeting 7:30 PM, Lyon Center.
September 10 Troop Meeting
September 17 Troop Meeting
September 18-19 Maryland Football Game Campout & Sports merit badge.
September 27 Life to Eagle Conference 1 to 4 PM Mont Medstar Olney
October 1 Troop Meeting, (Rain Date for Flag retirement ceremony
October 8 Troop Meeting SUMMER COURT OF HONOR
October 14th District round Table
October 15th Troop Meeting
October 22nd Troop Meeting
October 27th District Committee Meeting
October 29th Troop Meeting "Costume Night"