Newsletter 2016-11-26
Post date: Mar 12, 2017 6:24:55 PM
I hope your Thanksgiving Holiday was the best. There really is a lot to be thankful for.
There will be a TLC meeting tomorrow at the Lyon Center at 7 PM. All scouts holding leadership positions are required to attend. We will be discussing the upcoming campout among other Items.
Camp Cone Campout Dec 3-4
Camp Cone is located just north of Baltimore in the Gunpowder Falls State Park. Meals will be patrol. This will be a training and Rank advancement event. Fee is $8.00 payable to the troop and Meal money payable to the patrols.
We always need drivers so if you are planning to just drop you son off, be prepared to drive to the event if necessary.
Permission Slip Attached.
Christmas Party Thursday Dec 15th 7 PM Lyon Center.
Its not too early to get this event on the calendar. More to come.