Newsletter 2014-09-30

Post date: Oct 01, 2014 4:4:39 PM


SEPTEMBER 30th 2014



Service Project -"Stop Hunger Now" sponsored by and held at Colesville Presbyterian Church, this Saturday, October 4th, from 7 AM until Noon.  Gather behind the church.  The group is planning to pack 20.000 meals  and assemble 50 water filters.  The packed meals will be distributed to African schools that participate in the program.  We have assisted on two previous occasions and will continue to do so.  School Service hours can be earned.

If you can help set up get there at 7:30 otherwise the packing will start at 9 AM.



This year's event will be held at 1234 Briggs Chaney Road just east of New Hampshire Ave., past Cloverly Elementary school.

The troop will be teaching Webelos 1 Fire building and conducting the Firebuilding contest.  Scouts are asked to arrive at the site on Friday evening by 7:30 PM to assist with camp and site setup.  The fee is $10 per person payable to Troop 1441 BSA.  Meals will be by Patrol at a cost of $ 3.00 per meal payable to the Patrol Leader.

Menu planning will take place at this week's meeting, 10/2.



Troop meetings will be held on the 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd and 30th, Lyon Center, 7 PM.

The meeting on the 30th is the day before Halloween and Scouts may wear their costumes to the Troop Meeting.  There will be prizes.


OA FALL ORDEAL  10/24-26/14

If you were elected to the OA this year and missed the Spring Ordeals this is your last chance to attend an Ordeal.

You will have to be elected again at our February 2015 election.  


PACK 499 PACKAPALOOZA  10/24/14            

Pack 499 will be holding its monthly Pack meeting on the 24th.  Den chiefs mark you calendars.  If you need a leadership position the Pack needs Den Chiefs (a very important job).  Let me know if you are interested.



The Troop will be participating in the Scouting For Food Program and will be distributing food collection bags on 11/1.  Bags are to be Picked up the following Saturday 11/8. 



Patrick completed the outside work on his Greenhouse project at Springbrook High School this past Saturday.

Anthony completed the outside work on his YMCA Butterfly Garden Eagle Project on Saturday the 20th.