Newsletter 2017-03-30
Post date: Mar 31, 2017 11:3:3 PM
The weather held well, Saturday was great, the whole group got involved in a compass challenge that proved you can never find north in the same place, teams of people just wandering from place to place. Actually they did OK. Two groups completed the challenge correctly.
Another challenge was to build a two rope bridge strong enough for scouts to cross. It was a little hairy, but they made it. Soup and sandwiches for lunch, always good. A different team of scouts prepared and cooked each meal, all were great and the Dads took on Sunday Breakfast where they prepared every bit of food left in the lodge, a feast.
Saturday afternoon was the great adventure, the forced march to the infamous Serpentine Quarry. There were some tricky parts as the trail along the creek is eroding in some places, but we made it through. We had a serendipitous find when we go there, a large tree that had grown on a slag pile maybe 75 years ago had fallen and unearthed some pretty colorful stones that had lain beneath it for all those years. A lot of stones leaving the quarry with the scouts did not make the trail any easier.
Sunday morning after Breakfast we held "A Scout is Reverent" with Oliver and Nolawi leading the prayers. Everyone packed up and cleaned up and we were out of the building by 10 AM.
I was the last to leave and stopped at the lake to do some fishing. While casting my lure, which looked like a 2 inch fish, I heard a scream and a Bald Eagle swooped down to look at the lure, looked at me and sailed down the lake and into the river gorge. No fish, but Wow!
March 30th - Troop meeting. Boards of Review. Stone polishing instruction for the weekend's souvenirs. Rank Advancement. Scouts, please e-mail me with a list of the awards you expect to receive at the Court of Honor.
April 1st - STOP HUNGER NOW at the Colesville Presbyterian Church from 7:30 AM until about Noon. Class A event, school service hour credits.
April 1st - 2 PM Martin Luther King Pool - Swim Tests.
April 2nd - EAGLE COURT OF HONOR - Sam Backlund. Colesville Presbyterian Church, New Hampshire Ave. Class A event. everyone come!
April 4th - TROOP LEADERSHIP COUNCIL MEETING - 7:30 PM Lyon Center. Topics, Camporee, future outings, Yearly Planning Preparation.
April 6th - TROOP MEETING - WINTER COURT OF HONOR, Friends of Scouting solicitation, please come feeling generous, we would love to have 100% participation. You don't have to give much, just give something, it all Helps.
April 8 and 9 - EAGLE PROJECT - Kevin Soderberg
When: April 8th and 9th, Time: 8:30 am
Where: 14601 Wexhall Terrace, Burtonsville, MD 20866.
"Hello everyone, I'm Kevin Soderberg and I am doing my Eagle Project on April 8th and 9th. April 8 will be phase one of the project and April 9 will be the followup day, as needed. Please show up by 8:30 am on April 8 and we will begin work at 9 am. Food and drinks will be provided. I recommend bringing working gloves and clothes to complete the project. If you have a shovel, please bring it! The address is 14601 Wexhall Terrace, Burtonsville, MD 20866. Please notify me by April 1st If you are able to come and assist.
April 20 - TROOP MEETING - 7PM, Lyon Center
April 22 - TROOP MULCH SALE, 8 AM to 5 PM Sign up now and go sell some Mulch. Credit $ to High Adventure..!
Here is the link to sign up for the annual Troop 1441 Mulch Sale.!/showSignUp/5080f4ea9af2ca02-troop
In the past 10 days since this link has been active, there has been only two of us who have signed up and we have only received two pre-sale orders thus far. We have sold 50 bags out of the 850 bags that will be on the truck. Please click on the link below and sign up to help. We need all of the troop to make this successful.
APRIL 28-30 WHITE OAK DISTRICT CAMPOREE, Camp Bennett , Brookville MD.
We will be conducting the fire building event for the Camporee along with fielding patrols to compete. More to come..
John J Wnek
Scoutmaster Troop 1441