Newsletter 2015-02-18

Post date: Feb 18, 2015 11:14:4 PM

The Merit Badge Day   

The Merit Badge Day the Troop conducted this past Monday was a great success, the venue, Colesville Presbyterian Church, worked very well.  Six merit badges were offered, Bugling, Citizenship in the Nation, Citizenship in the World, Sustainability, Fire Safety and Scouting Heritage.   Seventy scouts from the District took advantage of the opportunity. Many thanks to the Counselors: Jim Lehman, Ben Allen, Axel Anderson, Josh Soderberg, Hank Keegan and John Wnek, also thanks to the leaders and parents who assisted with the logistics, Ann Toll, John Ingeholm, JD Darby, Larry Davis, Anne Regan, Awoke Ayelework, Jay Renner and I apologize if I missed anyone.


Ski Trip Feb 27 - Mar 1st.

A permission slip is required for any scout attending the trip.

Any of the adults sharing the same sleeping quarters with the scouts and actively involved in their supervision must have Youth Protection Training, both from BSA and the Catholic Church. 

The Permission Slip will be sent in another e-mail.


Stop Hunger Now - Mar 7th

The Colesville Presbyterian Church is conducting a "Stop Hunger Now" event on Saturday, March 7th from 7:30 AM until 11 AM, set up begins at 7:30 AM.  We have participated in three of these events in the past and Scouts can earn School Service Hour credit.  Colesville Presbyterian Church has supported us for many years and continues to do so, so let's get out and give them a hand,  Scouts (in Class A uniform), Leaders and Parents are needed to make this a success.


Troop meeting Schedules

We have been asked by the Church to vacate the Lyon Center at 9 PM on meeting nights so that the custodial crew can clean the rooms for the next day.  As a result I will arrive early on meeting nights (6 PM) in order to accommodate those scouts who need Scoutmaster Conferences, merit badge work or advancement assistance.  Scouts should contact me ahead of time to set up an appointment.