Newsletter 2013-10-28

Post date: Oct 29, 2013 8:59:13 AM

To All    

Well, October is over already, the year is moving too fast.  We are still in the process of adjusting to the additional requirements from our sponsor, SJB.  The primary emphasis from both the BSA and SJB is to see that our youth are protected.  A well trained and alert leadership goes a long way to insure that the protection will be there.


There are a lot of activities on our schedule and lots of fun times coming up.


This Thursday evening we will hold a Halloween Costume contest for those who wish to participate.  Bring on the costumes.


Troop Elections are to be held on November 7th for both Senior Patrol Leader and Patrol Leaders.  

Requirements for SPL are; must be at least First Class and have the Scout Leader's Approval.

Requirements  for PL are; must be at least Second Class and have the Scout leader's Approval.

Any Scout wishing to run for office must send an email to me at at least a week before the election.


Troop Service Project - "Stop Hunger Now" will be held at Colesville Presbyterian Church on Saturday November 9th from 8 to 11:30 AM.

We have assisted on two previous occasions, helping to pack over 20,000 meals each time.  It is a Class "A" event.  Parents and siblings may come to participate.


On the same day Nov 9th  the Troop will be attending the University of Maryland Football game against Syracuse and then Camping overnight on the campus (Practice Football Fields).   The game starts at 3:30 PM  So there will be plenty of time to get to the Campus after the Service Project.  


Scouting for Food.   Collection Bags were distributed to the Scouts at the last meeting.  We are asking each Scout to contact 10 of their neighbors for donations.  Bags will be distributed to Neighbors on Nov 2nd.  They should be picked up on Friday November 8th due to the heavy schedule on Saturday the 9th.  Please make sure the neighbors understand this.  Any food collected should be brought to the Service Project on Saturday morning where we will collect and take them to the District pickup point.


Popcorn Sales, Keep Selling, time is running out.  Bring your sales to this week's meeting.


Youth Protection Training

If you have not already signed up for the Virtus Youth Projection Training please contact Hans Mair or Hank Keegan for particulars.



John J. Wnek

Scoutmaster Troop 1441 BSA
