Newsletter 2014-10-16
Post date: Oct 17, 2014 1:17:44 PM
Twenty four scouts and five leaders attended the District's annual Webelos Weekend. Troop 1441 teaches scout fire-building to the Webelo 1's and then conducts the Fire Building Contest. This year we included the Webelo II's. It was difficult to build fires in the 6 inches of mud that made up the campground. Our scouts did a great job and the leadership of Jack and Felix was super. Hope all of the mud has finally come off the gear. We hosted parents, leaders and Webelos from Pack 499 with a Saturday evening Spaghetti dinner. Almost didn't have to clean the pots as everyone helped themselves.
Service Project Saturday Oct 18 9AM until noon.
This one almost slipped by without recognition. We will again be assisting the Greater Colesville Civic Association with maintaining their five mini parks. We will meet at the corner of New Hampshire Ave and Notley Road by the community sign. (east side of NH ave.) at 9 AM. Bring work gloves, water, shovels or rakes. Please let me know if you will be there.
The wooden bridge donated to the St John the Jogger event needs to be moved from the courtyard by the second grade to another location. It is being considered as the centerpiece of an Eagle Project by Drew. We have to move it before Monday as work crews will be dealing with the courtyard.
The Troop is beginning the annual BSA rechartering process and will need everyone's cooperation to get it done successfully. Each registered adult must be current in their BSA Youth Protection Training (It must be renewed every two years). To refresh you must got to to sign in and take the training online. When finished print out a completion certificate and give it to the Scoutmaster or Committee Chair.
If you expect to be an active adult in the troop you must also have taken the Church's Virtus training. Dues will be due November 20th, $85 first scout, $73 each following scout in family.