Newsletter 2014-08-25

Post date: Aug 25, 2014 4:4:52 PM

We will begin the 2014-2015 scouting year with our first meeting tomorrow evening at the Lyon Center at 7 PM.  We have an extensive program planned for the year and are looking forward to seeing you there.

We currently have 5 scouts pursuing their Eagle Rank and expect to have their projects scheduled for the weekends. Be on the lookout for their announcements and be prepared to help if you can.


The troop will be tracking attendance more closely this year and the scouts are expected to make 75% of the meetings and 50% of outings to be considered "active" in the troop for rank advancement.  Pre-arranged absences will not be counted as a missed opportunity.


The emphasis on Patrols will be strengthened this year as part of the Patrol Method and the first requirement is the creation of a Patrol flag and its display at meetings.  Patrol Boxes are in need of re-supplying and cleanup along with a general cleanup of the Trailer. Date to be determined by the Troop Leadership Council.


The Schedule for August and September is:

8/26 Tuesday     Troop meeting 7 to 9 PM Lyon Center.

8/28 Thursday    Back to School Fair at SJB 6 PM

                                We will have a Display/recruiting table at the event.

9/4    Thursday        Troop Meeting  Menu Planning

9/11   Thursday        Troop Meeting

9/12   Friday          Pack 499 Meeting

9/12   Friday-Sunday Boonsboro Campout Depart 6 PM from SJB

9/16   Tuesday         Adult Training  Merit Badge Counselor

9/18   Thursday        Troop Meeting  Boards of Review

9/20   Saturday        Eagle Project - Anthony

9/25   Thursday.       Troop Meeting - Summer Court of Honor

9/28   Sunday          Life to Eagle Seminar 1-4 pm Mont Medstar unit Olney


Boonsboro Campout

We will be working on the Hiking Trail Service Project we started in the spring.  We will need Gloves, rakes, shovels, Pruners and Loppers.


Adult Training - Merit Badge Counselors 9/16/2014 SJB

The troop is in the process of building a Merit Badge Staff to cover all Eagle badges and selected electives.  All adult volunteers, registered or not, are expected to attend. We will have registration paperwork on hand. 


The troop meeting on the 18th will be the last time Scouts can receive a Board of Review before the Summer Court of Honor. Committee members will be needed to conduct the boards.


The Summer Court of Honor will include recognition for all of the awards earned by the scouts since the Family Picnic in June.  It will also include reviews of Summer Camp and the Northern Tier Trek.

Parents, siblings and friends are encouraged to attend to help celebrate their scout's achievements.


Troop Youth Protection Policy

In order to insure the safest possible environment for our Scouts the troop has adopted the following policy.


The Troop 1441 Youth Protection Policy:

Every Adult associated with Troop 1441 (not only those registered with the Boy Scouts of America) must have completed two Youth Protection Programs to participate in Troop 1441 activities:

- BSA's Youth Protection Training (YPT, renewed every two years), and

- The Catholic Church's one-time-only Virtus Training

This is for the protection of adults and youths.

Activities where compliance is suggested, but not required:

- Non-participatory attendance at troop meetings, Courts of Honor, Social events (Picnics. etc).

- Assistance as labor on Eagle Projects.

The two required training programs are ​detailed on the Troop website:


You are encouraged to use the Troop website for all items of general interest concerning the troop. We will keep it updated with the most current information and schedule changes.


The Life to Eagle Seminar (L2E) is for all Life Scouts pursuing their Eagle, their parents and leaders to insure that the process goes as smoothly and correctly as possible.


This newsletter will be published weekly and posted on the website.


Two documents are attached, the current schedule and the permission slip for the Boonsboro Campout.


Any Questions or Concerns please Contact me.

John Wnek

Scoutmaster Troop 1441

301-607-8770 or 301-728-2858