Newsletter 2016-12-15

Post date: Mar 12, 2017 6:26:41 PM

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.  I hope the promise of the season will carry into the coming year for all of us. Tonight we will celebrate its joy, brotherhood and friendship and look forward to its continuance.


Eagle Scouts

The Troop has received formal notice that Johan Vandegriff and Oliver Wolcott have been approved as Eagle Scouts.  Earlier approvals for Drew Mair And Sam Backlund have been received for a total of 4 Eagles this year.

Sam has scheduled his Court of Honor date for Sunday, January eight.  More details to follow.

The Troop has six more scouts currently in pursuit of Their Eagle Rank, working on their project Plans. 


Current Activities

Cub Pack 499 Packapalooza Friday December 15th.

All Den Chiefs should plan to be at the event, (don't forget to sign in).  and provide assistance and leadership for the cubs.  Plan to arrive by 6:46 PM, Full Uniform.

If you are not a Den Chief but would like to help, Come on Down!


Klondike Derby Sled Repair work Sessions  Dec 28, 29.

Two work sessions have been scheduled both starting at 1 PM.  Class B uniform, Plan to make at least one of the sessions.  RSVP by e-mail if you can make it. 


Troop Fall Court of Honor Thursday January 12th 7 PM SJB 

The Troop will Hold its Quarterly COH on the 12th.  Requests for ScoutMaster Conferences should be emailed to me ASAP and part of the meeting on January 5th will be dedicated to Boards of Review.


Klondike Derby January 27-29 Little Bennett Regional Park

Mark your calendars, more to come.


Troop Schedule January thru August, Attached.