Newsletter 2014-04-01
Post date: Apr 02, 2014 11:54:36 AM
The Great March Mulch Sale
Saturday morning started out cold and cloudy in Mt. Airy as I pulled out of the driveway and headed south. The temperature jumped a few degrees as I got closer to Silver Spring and raindrops started to appear on my windshield. Oh well, another Troop 1441 rainy event I thought, as I pulled in to the SJB parking lot. There standing in the middle of the road was this huge trailer with 900 bags of mulch to be sold. We did not have many presales orders and it did not look good for sales in the rain. The bright spot though, was all of the stalwart scouts, parents and leaders ready to make a go of it, rain or shine. Plastic covers were stripped from the bags and the loading of pickups and suv's began in earnest. The cooperation and enthusiasm were definitely not hampered by the rain. Sales progressed slowly but steadily along with the rain throughout the day, keeping everyone busy. Before we knew it we were down to two pallets of mulch left and we still had 4 hours to go. A decision had to be made, order another truck or sell these and go home. We decided to get another truck and it was the right decision and we kept on selling. We were sustained by donuts coffee, water, pizza and goodies from the bake sale. At five PM we stopped selling and began to clean up. There were a lot of goodies left from the Bake sale and Michele Clipper and Alex took them to the five o'clock Mass to sell. They were a big hit. While we were in a lull in the late afternoon Michele took a couple of scouts, canvassed the local neighborhood and brought in some large sales that really put us over the top. Speaking about over the top, many thanks got to all of the scouts, parents and leaders that assisted throughout the day and especially to Michele Clipper and Helen Darby for all their work making the sale a success. We grossed over $5000, the net of which will be divided among the scouts going to Northern Tier High Adventure.
Again, you guys are great, Thank YOU!
Part of this Thursday's meeting will consist of our quarterly Court of Honor (Winter, is it really over?). Maximillian and Ezana will MC the event. Parents, siblings, friends etc are all invited to attend and honor the efforts of your scouts. There will be snacks and socializing after so please bring some goodies to share.
Northern Tier Crews
The Crews will hold a business meeting from 6 to 7 PM prior to the troop meeting Thursday this week..
Please be sure to attend.
All positions are filled and transportation needs to be finalized. If you can drive please drop me an e-mail.
In order to go on this trip, all adults must have both BSA's Youth Protection Training and the Virtus Training from the Catholic Church.
Permission Slip Attached
Troop meeting on Tuesday 4/8, no meeting Thursday 4/10
Troop meeting on Tuesday 4/15, no meeting Thursday 4/17
This year's camporee will be a little different than any of our recent camporees.
We will be camping at the Piscataway Indian Museum and campground near Waldorf Md. The theme will be indian culture focused on the Piscataway Indians and their tribe right here in Maryland. Scouts will be able to earn Indian Lore Merit Badge and partake in many indian games of skill and crafts. There will cooking contests where scouts will prepare the meals that were common to the Native Americans around Colonial times. Fee will be $12 per person and $3 per meal with Patrol Cooking.
Permission Slip attached.
The inaugural BADEN POWELL TRAIL HIKE will take place over the weekend of Saturday May 24th, Sunday May 25th and Monday May 26th. It is a National BSA approved HIstoric Trail. It is a 7.2 mile hike that begins at the Franklin Roosevelt Memorial. the trail is part treasure hunt where historic scouting "nuggets" are waitng to be discovered.
The trail can be done individually, by patrol or group or by the troop.If you are interested in going please send me an e-mail. the cost is $13 and includes a guide book, US flag, answer card, maps and challenge sheets. Successful hikers are eligible to buy the special medal and patch ($10 and $5.).