Newsletter 2017-01-17
Post date: Mar 12, 2017 6:34:11 PM
The next three weeks are going to be very busy.
The Klondike Derby is the 27th and we still have to resolve a number of issues
1. We may be limited in space and may have to limit the attendees for the overnights.
Even if you can't make the overnights we still want you to come for the event on Saturday the 28th. Attendance will be by receipt of permission slip order.
2. The sled(s) still need to be refurbished, we have only this weekend to accomplish this. We will discuss at the meeting.
3. Menu Planning. We may possibly be eating as a troop at the event with each patrol cooking at least one meal. Also to be discussed at the meeting.
Scout Sunday is the day we mark the birthday of the scouting movement and celebrate it by attending religious services set aside for that purpose. "A SCOUT IS REVERENT'.
Saint John the Baptist is our sponsor and even though we have a variety of religious beliefs in our troop we celebrate at St John's. You do not have to be a member to participate, just show up in uniform and Show the community that we have a very active and vital scout program. I strongly urge all of you to join the troop either at the 5 PM Mass on Saturday or the 10 AM Mass on Sunday. To make it easy to sign up, log onto SignupGenius and indicate which service you will attend and select a role you would like to play at the service.
To sign up go to
Airfare deposits are due at this week's meeting $50. The full fare is $183.00. Checks payable to Troop 1441 BSA.
Ski Trip March 3-5
See attached form.
There are three primary methods the troop will use to communicate with its members.
1. Troop Newsletter (E-Mail) to all. Weekly.
2. Text messages to specific groups. As needed.
3. Announcements at the Troop Circle at the end of every meeting. (Ask your Scout when he gets home, "What news from the troop?").
It is very important for the scouts to read THE NEWSLETTER. If he is not receiving it we need his e-mail in the troop list. If you get it pass it on to him.
DEN CHIEFS, You have accepted a very important leadership role in the Troop and you will be one of the reasons new members will want to join us. You cannot perform this role unless you attend the Pack and Den meetings. It is your responsibility to know the dates of the meetings and make every effort to attend them. If you cannot make a meeting you must notify the Scoutmaster 2 days before the meeting or you will not receive credit for the job.