Newsletter 2013-11-13

Post date: Nov 13, 2013 6:14:41 PM

The Maryland Football Game/Camping trip was a blast even though the Team did not win.  We had to walk a mile from the parking lot  to the stadium winding our way through parts of the campus that were not even there the last time I was there.  It has really grown.  The seats were almost at the top of the new stadium extension and had a great view of the Washington skyline.  23 scouts, leaders and parents attended the game and 19 stayed overnight.  Our campsite was located on three connected general practice fields covered in Astroturf and surrounded by a chain link fence. The scouts spent the evening playing football and winning, and catch with baseballs..  Dinner was hot dogs, hamburgers and Italian Sausage cooked by Alex and Drew.


Upcoming events.

Troop Meeting this Thursday (11/14) will have a special treat, a pasta dinner prepared by Mr Keegan.  We will have Rotini with Meat sauce and Sausages.  Skip dinner at home and get there early to enjoy.


Northern Tier Meeting  

November 19th, 7:30 Lyon Center. Crew and leader selection, Schedule planning,  gear preview.   There are three spaces available for two scouts and one leader. 


Quartermaster Event

Saturday November 23rd form 9 AM until ?? (weather permitting) will be dedicated to cleaning and repairing our gear and tents. We will work in the back parking lot at SJB.   We need all scouts there to assist.   


Thanksgiving -  There will be no meeting on the 28th of November.


Rechartering - Each year the Troop must re-charter with National BSA and we are currently in that process.  Dues are now due, payable to Troop 1441 BSA if you wish to continue as a member.


Merit badge Counselors.

The troop is rebuilding its list of in-house merit badge counselors and would like to have at least two available for each required merit badge.

The badges are:


Camping                                                  John Wnek

Citizenship in the Community       Ben Allen

Citizenship in the Nation                 Ben Allen

Citizenship in the  World                 John Wnek


Emergency Preparedness


Environmental Science


First Aid                                               Noelle Flaherty, Josh Soderberg


Hiking                                                    John Ingeholm


Personal Management

Personal Fitness                               John Wnek

Family Life                                          Michele Clipper


There are approximately 120 other elective badges offered and  we would like to have counselors that would support the most common of them or have a specialty to share.

To become a Counselor you must register with the BSA, The District and Take BSA YPT and Virtus Training.  Please see me if you would like to help the troop as a counselor.