Newsletter 2013-12-09

Post date: Dec 10, 2013 2:0:7 AM

Just finished shoveling 8 inches of snow off of my driveway, came in the house and heard the weather report for tomorrow, 3 to 5 inches more.  That is the Washington prediction so, we will probably get more out here.  If the prediction holds true it will create a problem for the Troop meeting tomorrow night. 


To be on the safe side we will cancel the meeting for tomorrow.

Having done this, the storm will probably fizzle out and be a non-event.


Holiday Party next week at troop meeting on Tuesday 12/17.

The flyer has been circulated and asks for a response as to Who will be coming.  Please respond to Rona Bloom by 12/13.  Bring the whole family.  Scouts - don't forget to bring your special ornament. 


Pack 499 Event 

The Pack is holding its annual talent show and Christmas party this coming Friday and they can use some assistance from our Scouts.  Please e-mail me to let me know if you can help out.

The Party will be at the Lyon Center from 6:30 PM until 9.


Chowbox Cleanup event.

Last Saturday's Chowbox cleanup was very successful with 18 scouts and 3 leaders present.   The scouts were able to clean and update their cooking equipment and the Boxes.  Every thing is clean, for now.   

John J. Wnek

Scoutmaster Troop 1441 BSA