Newsletter 2014-12-15
Post date: Dec 15, 2014 6:35:47 PM
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and Hope for Peace on Earth.
The season is full upon us and everyone is busy with preparations, parties, programs and anticipation. The troop is also caught up in the excitement of the season.
Ten scouts and four leaders just concluded a very successful short (7 mile) short backpacking/camping trip on the C & O Canal this weekend.
Our annual Christmas/Holiday Party is tomorrow night Tuesday 12/16 from 7 to 9 PM. All scouts and leaders should bring a special Ornament to place on our Tree. you should be prepared to tell why the ornament is special to you.
The Order of the Arrow Lodge Banquet will be held on January 3rd at the University of Maryland. It is being coordinated by our own Aaron Kassman. All Arrowmen should make the attempt to attend.
We will hold out Troop OA elections at the Troop meeting on January 29
Our first Troop meeting in January will be on Thursday the 8th. Tomorrow's meeting/Party will be our last meeting this year..
The Fall Court of Honor will be at the Troop meeting on Thursday January 15th, Scouts will be recognized for their achievements since last October. Parents and family are encouraged to attend to celebrate their scouts' accomplishments.
The Klondike Derby will be held on Friday January 16 thru Sunday Jan. 18th at Little Bennett Regional Park in Northern Montgomery County. The Troop's patrols will be competing with other troops in scout skills events and contests. We need to refurbish our Dog Sleds for the competition over the next few weeks. Be on the alert for a schedule of work sessions. Permission Slip Attached.
Scout Sunday will be celebrated the Weekend of February 7th and 8th.
The Annual Father/Son Camp-in at Broad Creek Scout reservation in Prospect Maryland will be held on February 13th thru the 15th. Two Cabins have been reserved and fathers and sons will compete in scouting skills events. A sign-up sheet will be available shortly.
As part of our commitment to support the White Oak District, The troop has volunteered to conduct a Merit Badge Day for the District on Monday, February 16th. We need volunteer Merit badge Counselors and a venue to hold the event.. Please let me know if you can volunteer to counsel a Badge for the event.
There will be a special Merit Badge event held at Catholic University on Feb 21st and 22nd sponsored by the Zeta Mu chapter of the Alpha Phi Omega Fraternity. For more information. This will be a two-day event held at The Catholic University of America. They plan to host this event during on the weekend of February 21 & 22, 2015. As they have done in past years, they plan to host most of the counselor sessions on Sunday, and offer a few physical fitness Merit Badges (like Swimming and Personal Fitness) on Saturday.
Sunday check-in is scheduled to open at 6:00 a.m. and the final sessions are scheduled to end by 5:00 p.m.
Saturday’s events will begin at 7:00 a.m. and will end around 4:00 p.m.For the latest event updates, please follow this event or sign up email alerts via Twitter
Please contact me if you are considering attending.