Newsletter 2016-03-16

Post date: Apr 24, 2016 10:31:32 PM

This is our busiest Season, Campouts , Service Projects, Training, New scouts to welcome and preparations for summer camp.  Add to that the demands from schools and extra curricular activities, sports and family responsibilities and there doesn't seen to be enough hours in the day for everything.  All of these commitments provide a challenging opportunity for the Scout to learn and practice personal management.  I understand that the management of all this usually falls to the parent(s).   I suggest that you include your Scout(s) in the process, have him keep a calendar, meet with him frequently to review and update his schedules. talk about priorities.  There is also a merit badge he can earn, "Personal Management". Does a kid have free time anymore......??


The West Hillandale Swim Club Service Project went very well,  all of those participating received Kudos for their hard work and dedication.  Thank You All.


This week's Meeting

This week's meeting will include final preparations for the Thomas Point Campout this coming weekend.

We will meet at the SJB Parking lot  at 8:30 AM for gear inspection and loading.  drivers picking up on Sunday should plan to arrive at 11 AM.


We have been asked to help prepare the Palms for Palm Sunday and may provide that help at the meeting.


The Troop Committee will hold a meeting at 6:45 PM to discuss the Mulch sale scheduled for April 9th at the SJB parking lot.


Summer Camp  July 10th thru 16th, Camp Olmsted, Goshen Scout reservation. Registration is now open


Upcoming Events

Thomas Point Campout, March 19-20


Pack 499 Pinewood Derby 1 - 5 PM March 19th


Bridging Ceremony American legion Post #41 Fenton St SS  & PM  Troop is assisting. March 21.


District Committee Meeting April 22, 7:30 PM, Church of the Transfiguration.


NO Troop Meeting Thursday, March 24th.


Troop Meeting Thursday, March 31st. PM


Philmont Shakedown Session April 2nd


Winter Court of Honor at troop meeting April 7th, Master of ceremonies needed.


Troop meetings 4/7, 4/14, 4/21, 4/28.


Mulch Sale Saturday April 9th 8 AM 4 PM


District Camporee (Patrol Operation) April 22-24, Greenbelt State Park


Philmont Training Overnight April 30th, May 1st.


That takes us through April, More to come............


Any questions, Please Call  301-607-8770


John J Wnek

Scoutmaster Troop 1441