Newsletter 2016-07-04

Post date: Jul 05, 2016 2:47:23 PM

TO ALL    


    The significance of this day increases greatly when you consider all that is currently happening in the World and at home.  Terrorist attacks increasing, home grown terrorists popping up, a presidential election turned into a reality show,  people being led to distrust one another instead of unifying,  people scared and bigotry encouraged.

    Imagine what could be if we could get everyone living by the Scout Oath and Law.  That's why Scouting is so important as a teacher of American and common sense values.  We need to provide our future leaders with a strong foundation on which to base their actions  This day gives us the chance to reflect on those values and recommit ourselves to the goals they represent.


    It's July, Summer Camp and High Adventure are upon us.  Final preparations are underway. 

The Pre-Camp meeting for Camp Olmsted is scheduled for tomorrow (Tuesday 7/5 at  7 PM ish) to tie up any loose ends.  If you already haven't already done so,  bring your scout's Med form (A,B,C).  They must be signed by both parents and  Doctors.

The bus fee to and from Goshen is $45. round trip,  Please bring a check made out to Troop 1441 BSA for that amount.


The Philmont departure date is July 23rd  .  You have been preparing for this event all of your Scouting careers,  use the skills you have learned to make your trek successful and come back proud, safe and happy.


Our annual School Supplies Backpacking Service Project is scheduled for  Saturday August 13th from 9 AM until Noon at the old Colesville Elementary School on New Hampshire Ave north of Randolph Road.  Class A event..


Eagle Projects in progress - Johan, Oliver, Ryan, Daniel, Kevin, Jack B, Max.


Hope you have a safe and Happy Holiday


John J Wnek

Scoutmaster  troop 1441