Newsletter 2014-06-03
Post date: Jun 04, 2014 10:35:57 AM
2013-2014 Rapidly coming to a Close
This Scouting year will end the third week of August and we will start our 2014-2015 meetings on Thursday August 28th at 7 PM. There are still many activities and goals to complete before the season ends and our schedule for the rest of the year is:
5th. Thursday Troop meeting, preparation for Campout, rank advancement.
8th. Sunday, 1 -3 PM Northern Tier Crew Activity. Piney Run Park.
11th. Wednesday 5 PM Leader Meeting with Chartered Organization Representative.
11th. Wednesday 7:30 PM White Oak District Roundtable, Peoples Community Baptist Church.
12th. Thursday 7 PM Troop Meeting Last chance for Boards of Review before the Spring Court of Honor and Family Picnic
15th Sunday, 1 -3 PM Northern Tier Crew Activity Swim tests.
19th Thursday 7 PM Court of Honor and Family Picnic. Expect a Flyer soon outlining what you should bring.
24th White Oak District Meeting 7:30 PM Church of the Transfiguration.
1st Tuesday 7 PM Pre Camp Meeting, Review of paperwork, schedules and what to bring.
6th Sunday 10 AM Depart for Camp Olmsted from the Fairfax Government Center.
All camp attendees taking the Bus Must be at the pickup point by 9:15 AM. We cannot board the Bus until all scouts are there and checked in.
12th Saturday 10 AM Arrive back from camp at the Fairfax Government Center
For Parental pickup.
17th Thursday Northern Tier Crews Depart for Ely, Minnesota for a Week of Canoeing,
25th Friday Northern Tier Crews return.
Service Project - School Supplies Packing for C4, Date to be determined.
28th Thursday First meeting of the new Scout Year.
Every Scout must have an Annual Health and Medical record form completed and signed by a doctor to participate in our scouting activities, especially overnight campouts and Summer Camps. Parts A, B, and C are required for Summer Camp. The latest version of the form is attached. Most all of your current forms are outdated.
latest from attached.
1. The Scout decides which Badge he wants to earn.
2. The Scout meets with the Scoutmaster to get a "Blue Card" and the name(s) of Counselor(s) who counsel the Badge.
3. The Scout Acquires the Merit Badge Pamphlet and reads it.
4. The Scout contacts the Counselor to set up an initial meeting (This meeting must have either two Adults present or two Scouts with the Counselor).
5. The Scout performs the work required by the requirements.
6. The Scout meets with the Counselor to confirm the work done.
7 The Counselor signs the "Blue Card" and retains his or her copy
8. The Scout brings the remaining two parts of the Blue Card to the Scoutmaster who signs the Scout's section of the card and gives it to the Scout.
9 The Scout should retain this card as it is critical for verification when working toward Eagle Scout.
10. The Scoutmaster files the remaining troop copy for future reference..
The information is posted on Scoutnet.
Many of the requirements on the Path to Eagle are designed to be worked on at Campouts and outdoor settings. Each Campout provides opportunities for the scout to grow in practical and leadership skills. Campouts are planned by the scout and his patrol, including menus. If the plans are inadequate the scout learns by having to cope with the situation. Campouts are deliberately planned to create opportunities for the scout to make adjustments initiative and resourcefulness.
Campouts are not Family picnics or outings. While all parents are invited to attend they will be relegated to observers and occasionally given tasks that would help the program. Anyone attending a Campout Must notify the Leader in charge that they will be attending ahead of time. If a registered leader is in attendance they must be in the proper uniform to set an example. Scouts will learn by their successes and goofups, not by someone taking over their activities.
Scouts have two weeks to complete any rank advancement they would like to have presented at the COH. Remember to request Scoutmaster Conferences and Boards of Review.
The Family Picnic will be pot luck with each family bringing a main dish or dessert and drinks. We will hold it on the grounds at SJB or inside if it rains.
Scout Volunteers needed to MC the Court.
The Campout was set up to allow the younger scouts to work on rank advancement and the Northern Tier Crews to work on their canoeing skills. Most completed two or three requirements and some Tote & Chip Work. Those members of the crews that attended discovered how tricky it is to paddle a canoe up stream in rushing water. All were successful and had a lot of fun in the process. The only disappointing aspect of the trip was that many of the scouts (especially those that needed to complete requirements) did not attend. You missed a great Campout with fantastic weather.
The troop provides communications to its members in three ways. Weekly Troop Newsletter, Announcements at the meeting Circle and on the website. ( Part of a Scout's learning responsibility is to keep his parents informed of troop activities. Ask your scout when he gets home from a meeting what happened and what activities are coming ups. Keep working with him so that he does learn to remember and tell you, then go check the troop e-mails.