Newsletter 2014-01-29

Post date: Jan 30, 2014 12:24:0 PM

Scout Sunday

This Weekend we celebrate the Birthday of Scouting and show that a Scout is reverent.  Our sponsor, Saint John the Baptist Church, has expressed a desire to have the scouts represented at two services, the 5 PM Saturday evening Mass and the 9 AM Mass on Sunday. While we are a multi-denominational troop we have some members who attend SJB and will be active in the services.  If you will not be attending a scout service in your own religious institution we would like you to come to one of the services at SJB to show the colors (so to speak) and make a good showing  for the troop.  You don't have to participate, just show up in uniform.  You can use the online signup site and click on just attending.  Lets show the SJB community that we have a strong troop.  

To sign up, please use this link.


Father/Son Broad Creek Camp-in  February 7-8-9

This will be our 33rd consecutive camp-in at BroadCreek Scout Reservation. It is a great time for the Dads to see their sons' scouting skills and enjoy some quality time with them.


We will be using two cabins and during the day on Saturday the scouts in each cabin will compete with one another is a series of  scout challenges.  The Dads will act as judges for the events, and will also participate in some challenges themselves. In the evening and at free time we enjoy sledding down some neat slopes (if snow available) and take a hike to the serpentine mine.  The Camp keeps a trading post open for the scouts.  Plastic Sleds and snowboards only, no metal runners. 


Each cabin sleeps 18 on double-decker army type cots and is heated by a wood stove.  There is a full kitchen available for meal preparation.  Each cabin will use the same menu.

Scouts may attend even if their dads can't make it.  A List of what to bring will be discussed at this weeks meeting.  The permission slip is attached.


Directions to the reservation are available.


Order of the Arrow Election

The troop will be holding an election this Thursday at the troop meeting to select outstanding scouts as members of Scouting's Honor Society, The Order of the Arrow.

All scouts get to vote on the candidates and we need everyone there to have a valid election.  Troop 1444 will be conducting the election at 7:30 PM.


Ski Trip   Feb 28, Mar 1 and 2

Final payments are due this week for the trip.


Stop Hunger Now.

Will the Scouts who participated in this month's service project at CPC please contact the Scoutmaster with your hours, etc.


Medical Records

BSA requires that each scout and Scouter have a current medical form on file with the troop.

The Troop is in the process of updating the members' medical records.  The Scoutmaster is required to keep these records private and also carry them on any event where they might be needed.  I will have the records at the troop meeting and will check them for you.  New forms are available if yours have expired. 


Adult Leader positions

The first meeting to expand the involvement of our adults in operational aspects of the troop was held on Monday evening.  A list of the various assignments and a troop schedule were distributed and discussed.  A second meeting will be held shortly to

 give some of the new parents an opportunity to participate.   Everyone is need to make the troop the best it can be.   More to come.