Newsletter 2014-08-05

Post date: Aug 07, 2014 5:54:53 PM

Can you believe that the summer of 2014 is already half over and Olmsted Summer Camp and Northern Tier High Adventure that we anticipated with such excitement have become fond memories that will be rehashed for a long time to come.  The Scouts earned a total of 58 Merit Badges and 38 partial Merit Badges.  Twenty One  Troop 1441 scouts and four guest Scouts from Troop 473 attended camp. The weather was great, the scouts did well with two flag raising's and only one cut finger. The troop will make a concerted effort at our meetings and events to have the partials completed as quickly as possible.


Two crews of 4 scouts and 3 scouters each went to Northern Tier Canoe Base at the Boundary Waters in northeastern Minnesota and spent 6 days canoeing and portaging in the wilderness.  Each crew went its separate way and did not meet until their return to base on the last day.  Both had lunch in Canada one afternoon, both earned the 50 MIler Patch.  A great and beautiful trip, fantastic weather, beautiful vistas, great interpreters, lakes with water so pure you drank right out of them, (we did treat our water any way).  Everyone learned something new about themselves.


These activities will be recognized and reviewed at our Summer Court of Honor.  


To the Scouts

It is time to look forward to the coming year in Scouting and set goals for yourselves.

We have a very ambitious program in the works and it will provide each scout with the opportunities to advance and succeed.  Each of you must set your own path to success through Short Range Planning -"What do l want to accomplish in the next two months, four months, six months?".  Using this approach you can set realistic goals and make them.  Take the time now to do some planning and write it down with dates and activities to be accomplished.  You will be surprised at what you can accomplish if you plan.


Here it comes.

August 9th, 9 AM until Noon    School Supplies Project.  

The troop earns service hours by assisting the Colesville Community Council of Churches (C4) in packing backpacks with school supplies for needy children.  This is a Class "A" uniform event and we have been assisting for ten years.  Scouts Leaders, parents and family members can all assist.  Plan to be there..


August 10th 1 PM until 4 PM    BUDDY HIKE with Pack 499

The troop and pack will meet at the East side parking lot by the Bridge on rt 29 over the Northwest Branch.  Hikers will walk the trail to the East along Northwest Branch to the Old mill on Riggs Rd where they will be met by other members of the units for refreshments.

This is a class "A" uniform event.  Each hiker needs to bring a canteen or bottle with water for the hike. Sturdy shoes are necessary.  Scouts, if you can make it we need you there.


August 16 4 PM Alexander Clipper - Eagle Court of Honor

The event will be held at the Colesville Presbyterian Church Fellowship Hall.  refreshments will be served.  All are welcome to come out and recognize Alex's



August 26 7 PM -9 PM  Tuesday    First TROOP Meeting of the year. . 

Let's make a great start.



Troop 1441 will have a display/information table at the event.


September 4, 11, 18, 25 TROOP MEETINGS -Thursdays



The troop has been asked to develop a walking trail at the Boonsboro site. We began preliminary work on it last spring and will continue this fall.  Rank advancement activities will also be available.  These dates are pending final confirmation from the campsite. 



All current and future merit badge counselors working with the troop must/should attend.



Scouts will be recognized for their achievements over the summer. All parents and family members should attend to support their scouts.


September 28 1 PM to 4 PM    Life to Eagle Scout Seminar L2E

This seminar is for all scouts pursuing their Eagle, their parents and their leaders.

The process has changed.  It will be held at the Montgomery MedStar unit (Montgomery General) off of Rt 108 in Olney in the lower conference room.