Newsletter 2013-05-30
Post date: May 31, 2013 9:58:2 AM
Plan for Campout this weekend.
The campout is designed to give the scouts an opportunity to complete as many requirements for rank advancement as they can before the Spring Court of Honor and Family Picnic on the 20th of June.
There will also be time for fishing and fun activities. Meals will be by Patrol. We will be doing a Cleanup Service project in appreciation to the Church for letting us camp there.
Arrive at the SJB parking lot by 9 AM
Depart in cars driven by parents by 9:30 AM
Arrive at Camp by 11 AM
Set up camp by 12 noon
12 noon prepare and eat lunch, cleanup.
1 PM through 4 PM rank advancement.
4 PM to 6 PM fishing/personal activities
6 PM to 7:30 PM prepare, eat dinner and cleanup
7:30 to 9:00 PM evening free time
9:00 PM Campfire/stories
10: 30 PM quite time/bed
6:30 reveille prepare breakfast, cleanup
8:00 A Scout is Reverent
8:30 to 10:30 Scout service project
10:30 Pack up Personal gear
11:00 pack up tents, troop gear, clean site.
12 noon depart site.
Parents who will picking up on Sunday are asked to be there by 11:30
Take RT 270 N to RT 70 West
take RT 70 West to exit for alternate RT 40
Get off on Alt RT 40 and proceed over Braddock mountain and down through Middletown
Continue over South Mountain on Alt RT 40 and down into Boonsboro.
IN the Center of Boonsboro turn left at the traffic light onto RT 34
Proceed south on RT 34 to Wheeler Rd.
Turn right on Wheeler Rd.
Continue on Wheeler Rd to the intersection with Girl Scout Rd
Turn left on Girl Scout Rd and proceed to the stop sign.
To your right will be a gravel road (not the paved road), turn opnto the gravel road and proceed to the gate.
Continue on the gravel road to the right through the gate (very bumpy)
Look for Troop Sign
I have still not received all of the merit badge class selections from the Scouts. Some of the classes are already full. Bring them to the meeting.
We will be holding our Spring Court of Honor outside in the covered area behind the Church. in case of inclement weather we will be using
canopies and a classroom for shelter.
The troop meeting on the 13th will be held in Classroom 2 due to the other use of our regular meeting rooms.
Summer Schedule
June 6th Troop Meeting Lyons Center
June 13th Troop Meeting Classroom 2
June 20th Troop Meeting/Spring Court of Honor
June 21st Philmont Prep Campout (2 nights)
June 27th Camp Olmsted Pre-Camp meeting SJB
June 28Th Philmont Prep Campout (2 nights)
July 7th Depart for Camp Olmsted, GSR
July 13th Return from Camp Olmsted
July 27th Depart for Philmont HIgh Adventure.
August 17th School Supplies Project ( AM)
District Dinner
The White Oak District (us) held its first Annual Awards Banquet and Dinner this past Tuesday 5/28. Five of the Scouters in our unit were recognized for their contributions. Mr Ben Allen, Committee Chair was recognized with the "Commissioners Award for committee management, Mr Josh Soderberg, ASM, was recognized as an "Outstanding Unit Scouter for his work with Pack 499, Ms Michelle Clipper (MC) and Mr William Kassman (ASM) were both recognized as "Outstanding Unit Scouters" for their work with the troop and Mr John Wnek was awarded with the "Spark Plug Award" For his work with the District and troop.
Congratulations to All !!