Newsletter 2014-06-18
Post date: Jun 19, 2014 2:11:7 PM
The Family Picnic and Court of Honor tomorrow evening will be the last official troop meeting until Tuesday August 26th at 7 PM at SJB. This is our Start Up meeting for the new year and is being held on Tuesday due to a conflict in room scheduling. We will start our Thursday meetings on September 4th. This does not mean that scouting activities won't occur during the Summer. We have an active schedule for both July and August.
July 1, Tuesday, 7 PM SJB, Pre Camp meeting for those Scouts going to Camp Olmsted. All paperwork needs to be completed and handed in at this time including health/medical forms.
July 6, Sunday. Depart for Camp Olmsted from the Fairfax Government Center in Virginia. Scouts must arrive by 9:15 AM. We will not be allowed to board the busses until all are present.
July 12, Saturday. Return from Camp Olmsted to Fairfax Government Center by 10 AM. Parents should be there by 9:30 AM to pick up scouts.
July 17, Thursday. Northern Tier High Adventure Crews Depart for Minnesota. 7 days of Canoeing on the Minnesota lakes.
July 25, Friday. Crews return from Northern Tier.
July 26, Saturday. Pack 499 Cub Scout Olympics, Den Chiefs and scout volunteers needed to assist at the event.
August 9, Saturday. Troop 1441 Service Project for C4 assisting Colesville Presbyterian Church with the packing of School backpacks for needy children from K to 12. Event will be at the old Colesville Elementary School on New Hampshire Ave. from 9 AM until 1 PM.
August 21, Thursday. 7:30 PM Training Session for ALL Troop Merit Badge Counselors.
August 26, Tuesday 7 PM. First Troop meeting of the new Scout Year.
Looking to the New Year
The scouts have met and decided what activities they would like to have in the coming year. The troop leadership is reviewing the list and matching it with the Council, District and School schedules for appropriate dates and possibilities.
The activities are also being evaluated for their benefit and fit into the scouting program and objectives. The resulting schedule will be available for the first meeting of the new scouting year.
These events will provide opportunities for the parents to assist with various functions by providing transportation to and from events, by serving as official registered Merit Badge Counselors and by providing volunteer assistance when asked. Please contact me if you have not already volunteered.
Youth Protection Training for Adults
Any adult who participates in a scout youth activity where they will have the opportunity for direct contact with scouts is required to have both the BSA YPT training and the Virtus Training. A determination of the need for and arrangements for the training can be made upon request.
Merit Badge Counselor Training
The troop is in the process of developing a cadre of MBC's covering all of the Eagle required merit badges and volunteers for the elective badges. If you have a skill or talent and would like to serve Please contact me.
In order that we insure that all counselors (New and Experienced) are acting in accordance with BSA policy I will be holding a training class on Thursday evening August 21 at 7:30 at SJB.