Newsletter 2016-07-31
Post date: Aug 01, 2016 3:15:43 PM
To All
July, July, where have you gone. Summer's half over and there is still much to be done. It seems like just yesterday we were getting ready for Camp Olmsted and now we have been there and back for over 2 weeks. Remember all the preparations for the Philmont trip, The Crews are out in the mountains on their 7th day of backpacking. Can't wait to hear all of the stories when they return.
Speaking of stories, we have a few to tell from Camp Olmsted. We were visited by a nice sized black bear one night and he discovered a bag of food and snacks that were left out. He destroyed the bag and had himself a feast. Needless to say, we cleaned the campsite thoroughly and when he returned the next night he didn't find anything to eat and left. Never came back. Oh, and be sure to ask Ezana about the size of the Largemouth bass he caught, and ask David about the one that got away.
The scouts, as usual did a great job with the raising and lowering of the Colors on Friday. They earned a lot of merit badges and started a lot that they will finish in the weeks to come. All in all it was a great camp.
C4/Colesville Presbyterian Church School supplies Backpack Packing will take place at the C4 location (Old Colesville Elementary School Building on New Hampshire Ave, about a mile north of the intersection of Randolph and New Hampshire Ave). The time is 9 AM until Noon, Class "A" event, services hours to be earned.
The Knights of Columbus have requested our assistance in conducting another "CUP A JOE" Breakfast Meal packing for Homeless shelters. The dates have not been finalized but may be on the evening of 11th, 16th or the 18th of August. We will get out the particulars as soon as they are available.
The Troop Trailer will soon be replaced and hopefully retired to simple duties as a storage facility for troop equipment. We recently added a number of Scouts from Troop 473 and a lot of their equipment came with them. We need to replace the Plastic Cowling on the Old Trailer, clear and prepare the Site the Church has designated for the old trailer and place it there. For the new Trailer, we need to outfit the interior with the appropriate shelves and storage capabilities and place our troop Logos on the trailer. Needless to say we need to review and examine all of our equipment, repair or discard any problems and store the needed equipment in the trailer. This should be done before we begin the 2016-17 season in earnest. The weekend of the 27-28th of August has been designated for that purpose. More may be needed. We will need the help of the leaders and parents along with the scouts. Volunteer and stay turned.
Troop Leadership Council
The first meeting of the TLC will take place on Tuesday the 23rd of August from 7 pm until 9 pm at SJB. The agenda will include the troop meeting schedules and agendas, plans for campouts, troop elections and patrol organization.
Sam Backlund has completed his Eagle Board of Review and is an Eagle Scout.
Ryan Keegan Has completed his Eagle Project
Oliver Wolcott has completed his Eagle Project
Johan Vandegriff is putting the finishing touches in his Eagle Project last Friday.
Daniel Kassman is working on his Eagle Project.
Drew Mair has completed his Eagle Project and is wrapping up merit badges.
Kevin Soderberg is in the detailed planning Phase of his Eagle Project.
Rick Hart is in the early Planning stages of his Eagle Project.
Andrew Kareri is in the early Planning stages of his Eagle Project, as are Max Massiah, Jack Hino and Jack Barnes.
There are a few other scouts that also have that Eagle glimmer in their eye.
Looks like it going to be a busy season.
Anthony Massiah, Eagle Scout, is home from School over the Summer and has expressed his desire to have his Eagle Court of Honor on the 20th of August. More to Come.
For many years now the troop has used the sale of Boy Scout Popcorn as a fund raiser and have been pretty successful at it. We wish to continue this effort and desperately need a parent Volunteer, (or two), to step up and serve as our Popcorn coordinator or "Kernel". It takes a little work. As part of the Troop Family we look to the Parents to provide assistance in these areas to allow the leaders to work with the Scouts. It is also one of the reasons our dues are so low. How about a couple of folks stepping up??
Mr. Robert (Bobby) Marcum, Assistant Scoutmaster Troop 1441 from 1980 until 2000, passed away on July 15th after a prolonged Illness. He was a stalwart supporter of Troop 1441 and Scouting and a good friend. He was celebrated at a Memorial Service on Thursday July 21st at the Glenmont United Methodist Church. He will be interred at Arlington National Cemetery. Scoutmaster Wnek gave the eulogy for Mr. Marcum and stressed his love of scouting. This prompted a number of friends and relatives to make donations to Troop 1441. These were accepted in Bobby's name.
Service Project, 8/13, 9 AM
Massiah Eagle COH 8/20.....
Troop Leadership Council Meeting, 7 PM Lyon Center 8/23
Trailer Cleanup 8/27-28
1st troop meeting 7 PM Sept 1st Lyon Center
meeting 9/8
meeting 9/16
meeting 9/23
meeting 9/27
Troop Campout University of Md Football Game Friday 9/30 - Saturday 10/1
Life to Eagle Conference 9/25, 1 PM, Montgomery Medstar unit Olney
Troop meetings Thursdays 10/6, 10/13, 10/20, 10/27. 7 PM SJB, Lyon Center
Webelos Weekend 10/28-29-30.
Meetings 10/3, 10/10, 10/17
Campout 10/12
Meetings 12/1, 12/8,12/15 (Holiday Party).
Campout 12/10-11
This is a preliminary plan and some items are still in a state of flux. if your have any ideas or comments give me a call, I'll be happy to have your input.
Yours in Scouting
John Wnek
Scoutmaster Troop 1441