Newsletter 2013-01-01


John J. Wnek

Scoutmaster Troop 1441 BSA


Our schedule includes a Klondike Derby, Father/Son BroadCreek Camp-in, Ski-trip, Winter campout, Merit Badge Day, Spring Camporee, spring campouts, Summer Camp and Trip to Philmont Scout Ranch in New Mexico.  In-between these activities are many opportunities for the scouts to take advantage of for growth and rank advancement.  Scouts receive the most benefit from the program by attending the meetings and outings.  Scouting is a development program and it is accomplished by participation.  Staying active in the troop keeps the scout in the program.


The Troop has been invited to participate in the Church's Community Sunday program the first weekend of each month.  We participated in the December event by setting up a display table with information about the troop and had leaders and scouts there to answer any questions about the troop and its program.  I would like to set up a group of volunteers who would represent us at the event.  We are there for the Saturday evening Mass and again Sunday morning After the Masses.

Please contact me if you would be willing to assist.


The Troop has instituted a "STEM" program in connection with national BSA. The program focuses attention on Science, Technology, Engineering and Math by encouraging the scouts to acquire the necessary merit badges in these areas for special recognition. Mr. Michael Massiah, ASM, is coordinating this Program.


The Troop also has a program in process called "Cyber Chip" which provides guidelines for the scouts safe use of the internet and provides awards in patches for completion of the various requirements.  Mr Hans Mair and Ms Laura Vega are coordinating this effort.


The troop will conduct its Fall Court of Honor at the January 10th  meeting.  We will need a number of Committee Members at the troop meeting of Jan 3rd to conduct Boards of Review for the scouts.


This month's camping event will Be the District Klondike Derby at Little Bennett Regional Park in upper Montgomery County on Jan 18th thru the 20th. This will be a Winter Camping Event so cold weather preparations will be necessary.  The scouts will work as Patrol Teams journeying from challenge site to challenge site and having their scouting and survival skills tested against all other troops in the area.

The Permission Slip is attached.  The fee (excluding meals) per participant is $13 payable to the troop.  Meals will be by patrol coordinated by the Patrol Leaders.


BroadCreek Father/Son Camp-in. Feb 1-3. This will be the thirty-third year for this event where the fathers join the scouts for a weekend of challenging contests and events covering scouting skills.  Scouts may participate even if the Dads cannot make it.  The troop will sleep in cabins, we have two holding 18 people a piece..  Scouts wishing to receive camping credit can sleep out overnight in tents. The potential for sledding and tobogganing is great.  There is usually snow on the ground.  Permission Slip attached.


Scout Sunday Feb 3

The troop usually participates in the services on Scout Sunday but since the BroadCreek camp-in is scheduled for that weekend we will only be able to attend the Sunday evening 6 PM Mass this year. Scouts not going on the Camp-in can participate in the services at any of the other masses (in Class A Uniform).


Ski Trip    March 1,2,3  Click here for details.  Contact Noelle Flaherty for additional information 443-570-7322.


Summer Camp -Camp Olmsted, Goshen Scout reservation.  the Troop will be attending the week of July 7th through the 13th.  Its not to early to reserve a spot.  If you make a $50 deposit before March 15th your scout will receive a free Goshen ball cap.


Philmont Scout Ranch Backpacking Trip preparations are in full swing with Mr Ingeholm scheduling a number of preparatory events this coming spring.  More to come.


Planning has begun for the high adventure trip to Northern Tier Outpost in Minnesota for the summer of 2014.  Contact Noelle Flaherty 443-570-7322 for additional information.


Medical Forms - Each scout is required to have a current medical form on file with the troop and it is to be taken on each of our events.  Please download the forms from the Troop or Council web site and get them completed and turned in. They are good for one year.\only.


There is a lot more to come so stay tuned and Be Prepared.


Yours in Scouting



I hope your Holidays were happy and filled with all of the good things we anticipate for the season. With the turn of the year, an opportunity is presented for new beginnings and re-activating plans that have slipped due to the variables of daily life. Take the opportunity to reassess your goals and forge new ones for the coming year. Each Scout should review his plans for his scouting career and re-establish both long and short term objectives to accomplish them. Parents can lend a hand by encouraging the scouts.

We have settled in with our new sponsor (St. John the Baptist Catholic Church) and the program for the coming year has lots of opportunities for growth, advancement and fun.